As I sit and type, the air is filled with an amazing breeze and joyful songs of praise as the Evanjafrica band is practicing! They are such a gifted group of young kids and their voices and styles of music are great and unique to my American ears, considering they are not the kind of sounds you hear often in the states! Their practices are like a group affair, too. It starts out with just the band and maybe a few other people listening, then before you know it over half the orphanage is standing around listening and dancing! They keep asking me to teach them new things and… right! The more I listen to them the more I’m like “Teach me!!” I will actually be teaching voice lessons on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, starting tomorrow, and then going through until I leave. My main focus for what I will be working on them with is 1) To gain a deeper understanding of our motives and purpose for making music and singing and 2) To teach them a few voice techniques to enhance the skills they most definitely already have. It will be things like breathing properly so that when they are up and dancing around they can keep a controlled sound to their voice, etc. I was thinking I would only be teaching the kids from the orphanage but I was informed the other day that it will be kids from one of the best choirs in this area as well. Oh man...! I have never taught voice lessons; therefore this will be a growing time in that area and a growing time in relying on the wisdom and grace of God all the way!
Oh…! Little Isaac just brought over a little clay set he made for me to see! It’s a computer with a keyboard and mouse. It’s supposed to be like the ones me and Christina use…How precious!!!
As I sit and type, the air is filled with an amazing breeze and joyful songs of praise as the Evanjafrica band is practicing! They are such a gifted group of young kids and their voices and styles of music are great and unique to my American ears, considering they are not the kind of sounds you hear often in the states! Their practices are like a group affair, too. It starts out with just the band and maybe a few other people listening, then before you know it over half the orphanage is standing around listening and dancing! They keep asking me to teach them new things and… right! The more I listen to them the more I’m like “Teach me!!” I will actually be teaching voice lessons on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, starting tomorrow, and then going through until I leave. My main focus for what I will be working on them with is 1) To gain a deeper understanding of our motives and purpose for making music and singing and 2) To teach them a few voice techniques to enhance the skills they most definitely already have. It will be things like breathing properly so that when they are up and dancing around they can keep a controlled sound to their voice, etc. I was thinking I would only be teaching the kids from the orphanage but I was informed the other day that it will be kids from one of the best choirs in this area as well. Oh man...! I have never taught voice lessons; therefore this will be a growing time in that area and a growing time in relying on the wisdom and grace of God all the way!
Ok, story time! So the other day as I was looking out the window, I saw the kids throwing tiny mangos at the dog, Simba. (The orphanage pet) I quickly went out and yelled “Now! Shayga!” This in English means “No! That’s enough!” So they stopped for a little while. Then next thing I know their throwing more again. All I thought was “this poor dog and the abuse he puts up with!” Well, a few moments ago (in the present time) I was distracted by this same event, only this time it was with one of the little girls and little boys. The little boy was attacking the little girl with the same tiny mangos, then vice versa. It looked painful to me but they were definitely enjoying it! Hmm…I understand their different kind of…entertainment…more each day. J
Another new thing that has been added to the days is doing work outs and exercises with a few of the older girls. Right now I am only doing them with Clara, but soon it will be more girls. I didn’t think this would be something of interest to them but they were actually the ones to come to me!
So yeah, for the curious minds, now that I have one I will give a layout of what my schedule will look like until I leave (events are subject to change quickly):
Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays:
-8am-9am-Helping Christina teach the older kids English
-9:30-10:30-Helping Christina teach the younger kids English
-1pm-2pm-Helping Christina teach another English class to the choir group
-2pm-4 pm-Teaching music classes to the Evanjafrica kids as well as the choir group
-4:30pm-6pm-Work outs with a few of the older girls
-Evenings are free, but since their days start at 4:30am sleep is ready to be started at like 8 or 9!
Tuesdays and Thursdays:
-8-9-English class for older kids
-9:30-10:30-English class for younger kids
-Free time until 4:30-6pm-Work outs
-These are pretty chill days with no real set schedules except for chores, music practice, playing games, etc.
-So far it’s just been church and then back to relax and enjoy the Lords day of rest! Next Sunday, though, we are
hoping to make it out to the evening Wycliffe church service, which is a church for all the missionaries located in and around this area. (Most are Americans) They also have a big celebration for thanksgiving which we are hoping and planning to attend. That should be fun and interesting! Also, Sunday nights are usually when they do a movie night. Tonight it was “Honey I Shrunk the Kids”. It’s so much fun watching movies with them and listening to all their hearty laughter! (Even though the majority of them have no idea what is being said)
Today I had my first class. I was SO extremely nervous and leading up to it I was worried and questioning if this was something I really should be doing. Before I knew it, it was time. I started the class out with getting their hearts and minds in tune with what worship is and why we do it. One of the main classes I taught this past summer at camp was on “A Heart of Worship”, which answered those exact questions. I can see now how God gave me training in this area there, and how that training has prepared me to teach it here. God is so good!!! The class went so well, too. They were a great group of about 15 young people who were so receptive to all God was speaking through me! Victor translated, too, which made all of my speaking 100% understood. (Phew! Another blessing) Well, after the class was over I was made aware, by God, on how I had doubted Him again. I doubted my gifts which HE has established in me, I doubted that God could use me again for His good work, and I doubted that God was the same yesterday, today, and forever. I was reading just the other day too, in my journal entries, and seeing how God has been so faithful in all areas of my life! How could I see that and yet still dare to doubt Him now? He quickly reminded me that it is HE who has brought me to this place, it is HE who has put these opportunities in front of me, it is HE who chooses to use the weak to lead the strong, and it is HIM and HIM alone that I should be trusting in to fulfill the plans and work he is laying out in front of me, not my own strength or what I feel I am or am not qualified to do. HE has provided for me thus far, and in every situation I should and need to continue to trust that He IS unchanging. (Hebrews 13:8) He knows exactly what I need exactly before I even realize I am in need of it. My job is to continue searching out His heart, trusting in His heart, and not being anxious about anything, but rather knowing that “My God will supply every need of mine according to HIS glorious riches in Christ Jesus” Phil. 4:19. What comfort we can take in that promise! This is another situation God has used to remind and stretch me; that I may draw nearer to His heart. Thank you Jesus!
A deeper longing for Christ and time with Him, a deeper understanding of what it is to be His hands and feet, a deeper understanding of what it means to be still and know that He is God, an increased attitude of gratitude, a deepening of trust and reliance on Christ alone, a deeper understanding of the riches we as Christians truly have in Christ, the power of praying in Jesus’ name, and an increased understanding of a servants heart are just a few of the many things God is teaching, maturing, and stretching me in. I am ever so thankful!!!
“But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.”-Acts 20:24
Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays:
-8am-9am-Helping Christina teach the older kids English
-9:30-10:30-Helping Christina teach the younger kids English
-1pm-2pm-Helping Christina teach another English class to the choir group
-2pm-4 pm-Teaching music classes to the Evanjafrica kids as well as the choir group
-4:30pm-6pm-Work outs with a few of the older girls
-Evenings are free, but since their days start at 4:30am sleep is ready to be started at like 8 or 9!
Tuesdays and Thursdays:
-8-9-English class for older kids
-9:30-10:30-English class for younger kids
-Free time until 4:30-6pm-Work outs
-These are pretty chill days with no real set schedules except for chores, music practice, playing games, etc.
-So far it’s just been church and then back to relax and enjoy the Lords day of rest! Next Sunday, though, we are
Today I had my first class. I was SO extremely nervous and leading up to it I was worried and questioning if this was something I really should be doing. Before I knew it, it was time. I started the class out with getting their hearts and minds in tune with what worship is and why we do it. One of the main classes I taught this past summer at camp was on “A Heart of Worship”, which answered those exact questions. I can see now how God gave me training in this area there, and how that training has prepared me to teach it here. God is so good!!! The class went so well, too. They were a great group of about 15 young people who were so receptive to all God was speaking through me! Victor translated, too, which made all of my speaking 100% understood. (Phew! Another blessing) Well, after the class was over I was made aware, by God, on how I had doubted Him again. I doubted my gifts which HE has established in me, I doubted that God could use me again for His good work, and I doubted that God was the same yesterday, today, and forever. I was reading just the other day too, in my journal entries, and seeing how God has been so faithful in all areas of my life! How could I see that and yet still dare to doubt Him now? He quickly reminded me that it is HE who has brought me to this place, it is HE who has put these opportunities in front of me, it is HE who chooses to use the weak to lead the strong, and it is HIM and HIM alone that I should be trusting in to fulfill the plans and work he is laying out in front of me, not my own strength or what I feel I am or am not qualified to do. HE has provided for me thus far, and in every situation I should and need to continue to trust that He IS unchanging. (Hebrews 13:8) He knows exactly what I need exactly before I even realize I am in need of it. My job is to continue searching out His heart, trusting in His heart, and not being anxious about anything, but rather knowing that “My God will supply every need of mine according to HIS glorious riches in Christ Jesus” Phil. 4:19. What comfort we can take in that promise! This is another situation God has used to remind and stretch me; that I may draw nearer to His heart. Thank you Jesus!
A deeper longing for Christ and time with Him, a deeper understanding of what it is to be His hands and feet, a deeper understanding of what it means to be still and know that He is God, an increased attitude of gratitude, a deepening of trust and reliance on Christ alone, a deeper understanding of the riches we as Christians truly have in Christ, the power of praying in Jesus’ name, and an increased understanding of a servants heart are just a few of the many things God is teaching, maturing, and stretching me in. I am ever so thankful!!!
“But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.”-Acts 20:24
I cant comment on your story, it is going to take awhile for me to stop crying because of the joy overflowing out of my heart as I read your newest update, I ove you and the God you serve ! AF mom
What a blessing it is to see all that God is doing in and through you. And not only is it a blessing, it is an encouragement and challenge. It is the ones who understand their unworthiness and weakness and trust His strength alone that God loves to shine His Glory and light through. And in this, they are humbled and Christ is exalted. I see this in what you have expressed!
"What shall I render to the Lord for all His benefits to me? I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord." Psalm 116:12-13
When God blesses us, by using us or teaching us, all it seems we can do is lift up our cup and call on His name, so that He can fill the cup over and over again! Blessed be the name of the Lord!
Thank you for all that you share Ashlie, I love you!
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