To start off let me share with you my excitement for the progression I am having in learning the language here! I knew it was going to be a challenge, but the more I talk with the kids, ask questions, and copy words from English to Portuguese in my little notebook, the more I am learning quickly! A few words I have put to memory that I use most are(and keep in mind they are spelt according to how they sound):
-Good morning: Bom Dia
-Good Afternoon: Boi Tarde
-Good Night: Boi Noide
-How do you say?: Como say deesh?
-Name: Nomay
-How are you?: Comoo shtah?
-I am fine, and you? Shtoh bang, evoh say?
*I don't understand, sorry!: Now say, dishculpa!

They were joking about how they have been working this job for so long and yet they haven't even made enough to buy a simple(in my eyes) bike. (Walking and biking are the main uses of transportation. If you have a car you are seen as rich)

*I think one of the biggest eye openers about the whole work ethic is how the people here would literally do anything for work, and would literally do any kind of work. It truly is convicting!*
Thursday, 10.9.08, Victor and Christina left early on this morning to go on an overnighter to get some rest! They were busy in the states and ever since they got back here they have been busy. So, once they left I spent the next few hours in great quiet time! Then before I knew it there were about 10 kids all piled around me. I began to show them pictures of my famelia (family) and Amigos and Amiga's (friends boys and friends girls). They loved it! Then I showed them videos I had taken from my camera, which they also loved. The whole time this was going on we were teaching each other new words in each others languages. It was a lot of fun! Before I knew it hours had gone by and it was already time for them to leave for dinner. I then snuggled down with some rice and potatoes and watched a movie before heading back to my casa(pronounced caza, and in English house) to sleep.
Today, Friday 10.10.08, has been a good day. God is really teaching me a lot since being here. In the midst of my discomfort and overwhelmed self, He has continued to show me that He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is the same God here in Africa as He was in the States. And by Him and His word alone, which is living and active, I may find all comfort and peace, in the midst of my changing and/or difficult situations! I always knew this was true, but more than ever I find myself coming to the realization of this as I cling fast, more than ever, to His word and promises. He truly is all I need. I pray that as I learn and grow in this that it will not change once I am in my comfort zones, but that I may ALWAYS realize my need for, and the value and importance of His word in every situation!
May I learn what it is to be content. Leaning wholly on Christ my Solid Rock. May I never be ashamed, but rather passionate, to share this hope, this truth, this gospel to the ends of the earth!! To God be the glory, forever!
Great letter ! I cried as i realized my baby in Africa, without me as a young women walking with her Lord, my prayer is that you would continue to not shrink back (leaf withering)from the pain or challenge that goes with walking with Him and being stretched out of your comfort zone(you are from the states,you are use to much comfort)no matter what you face,face it with confidense that He who brought you there has it and all details about it , in the palm of His care,and He only is Faithful to bring you thru!(growing pains of the best kind)Psalm 1:1-3 Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffiers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord,and on His law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers. (to me, prosperity is bringing our Father glory.)
ove you always forever, your momma
It is wonderful to be in Nampula again!... to see the children, the beautiful scenery, and sense the Lord working in this most precious corner of the world. I can see it through your eyes and feel it in your heart and spirit! When I went to Nampula for the first time three years ago I suddenly realized I had been there all along, through Victor. The sights and smells were familiar to me- the faces and smiles were already engraved on my heart- the abiding presence of the Lord and the joy of seeing Him at work in the lives of the children I had already come to know. It was like coming home to an old friend,returning to my own people, visiting my birthplace, as if I had never been away. It gives me great joy to read your words and see the pictures- to know all is well with you in the Lord and that you have found that He is still holding you so far away from home. The day will come when you will see that "home" is not so much a place on the earth as it is a peace in His presence.Thank you for being willing to give of your self for these next few months to these children and these people, to love and serve them for His names sake, for being the heart and hands of Jesus to them. Tell them I love them, Oh please hug each one for me.Blessings, Michele
Hey AshFrica (cool, huh!), what a magnificant letter. Your writing skills make it so easy for me to put myself in your shoes, which makes it easier for me to pray even more specifically. Amazing how we take so much for granted, and I'm not talking about you, but me. (I'll have to continue this from work because I have to get ready now) I Love you so much and get so excited to see and hear what you're doing and what God is doing in, through and to you. IBPMTYBIALB (I'll be posting more to your Blog in a little bit)
LUV YA BABY!!!!! I mean AshFrica!!!
You're strong, sis. Lord be with you while you are there. I'm excited for you.
Hi Ashlie, i'm a friend, coworker of your father at the CAFB. I'll keep you in my prayers that God will use you in a mighty way. Heavenly Father, I pray that you put a hedge of protection around your daughter Ashlie. Let her see through your eyes Jesus. In Jesus name, Amen! Ashlie, you are the hands and feet of Jesus. God bless you!
2nd Chronicles 16:9 For the eyes of the Lord range (search)through out the whole earth searching for those whose hearts are fully committed to Him.
Rob O'
Sorry I was trying to add a picture but i realized i would need to e-mail it to you cause it wouldn't allow me to add. Its the one of you and Victor 8 years ago when he was with "Gathering of the Nations" Teen Missions, Nov, 2000. Its amazing to see what God has done with those connections. ove ya, af momma
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