It’s been another great, and quite fast, week! There was no real set schedule, but still the days seemed to fill up really fast. Estephano, Victor’s younger brother, came in last Sunday and has been taking Clara and I out sight seeing and exploring for the past few days. I still can’t get over how beautiful it is here!

Wednesday, at 6am, all the kids and staff met on the foundation where the new boys dorm will be built. Victors dad was there and gave a message and then we all prayed for the project. We prayed that once we get started God would continue to provide and bless the work being done, and that it wouldn't stop until it was completed!

Later that day, Clara and I went for a walk around the town and met up with Estephano. We then walked back towards the orphanage and down to a "river". Due to the huge drought they are in, there was not a drop of water there! (As you can see) Come December, though, it should fill back up completely. So after that we came back to the orphanage and played with the kids, sat and talked with Christina, and played some more until dinner time.
Thursday,(yesterday) there was a huge struggle and need for prayer! The city shut the water off a few days ago, because of the drought, and by this day it still hadn't been turned back on yet and everything was completely empty and water was VERY difficult to find. The kids had not been able to shower and they were now limited on the water they were allowed to have. On top of that it has been exceptionally hot, which means the need for water is increased! Well, by that evening, due to many many prayers from all of you and more, the water was turned back on and we were able to fill everything back up again! Praise the Lord and thank you all for your prayers. Please continue to pray that, if it pleases Him most, God would keep the water on! Not only for the orphanage but for the whole city!
Hokay so, when we went for another days worth of walking and adventures, I got to ride on my first Chape(sounds like Shoppa). This is a van which is used for transportation. It's kind of like our Charter buses, but not really. (Picture soon to come) They pack these vans in tight and then stop about every 5 seconds to pick up more people. It was a fun experience and took us about 20 minutes to get to our first destination;

the Mountain. Once we got there we climbed up and instantly stood in awe of the beauty that laid before us. God truly is the most amazing artist, y'all!!! So,we start walking around on this mountain, minding our own business and just talking away, when suddenly these 2 men start walking towards us. They seemed kinda sketchy and it looked like might have wanted to start something, and though I was ready to bust out my scissor kicks, Estephano thought it best for us to head in another direction. ;) Once we got to the next destination (still on the mountain) we saw more amazing sites. One of them was a little house with a yard of green grass!

I was so excited to see this! I have not seen one house or area that really had any grass except for this house and a gas station down the road. Yeah, so after that we headed down to catch another Shoppa for our next stop. We soon arrived at one of Nampulas nicest and biggest, what we would call them, Malls. We went into this little cafe' place and devoured a bottle of sprite, then moved on to another cafe' place that over looked part of the town, and drank lots of juice and talked. We did this for the next hour then needed to head back because it was starting to get dark. (Dark equals not as safe) So, we get back and by this time we are all so tired from the heat, walking, and riding that we all go our separate ways and head to bed!
Today(Friday) has been a really hot day. Not humid though, like South Carolina! (For this i am thankful!) One of the neatest things I did today was lay the first huge rock down on the foundation for the new boys dorm.(pictures soon to come) It was heavy, and I found a shoe. After that I finished my laundry and then cleaned my little house. Then I headed over to my bathroom and ventured to fill up my big bucket used for showers.

It was like an event because it soon turned from just me trying to do it, to 4 of us doing it! Everyone here is so sweet and jumps to the opportunity to help another in need. And they do it with a HUGE smile! I am learning so much from their cheerful servants heart! As for now I am heading out to ShopRite with Victor to get some groceries and then hopefully a fan tomorrow, which will be a HUGE blessing to have with this weather. Oh boy will it!
Thank you all for your continual prayers. They are felt and greatly needed! I wish you could all be here experiencing this with me, but since you can't please know you are in my thoughts and prayers daily! Please continue to fill me in and keep me updated on praises and prayer request you all may have! If you don't want to post them on here you can email me at
Tynker9teen@yahoo.com and I will reply from there. I love you all and God bless!